Anyone with an ounce of sense could see this coming.
You put a toilet in your front yard and people are going to use it!
I arrived home last night to find the Trickhart’s home infested with squatters. Apparently they will be staying there at night for as long as they can. Lighting fires, fighting over Dinty Moore Stew and boozing it up... much like the Trickharts had done.
I met a few of them last night while I was watering my yard. They are very sociable though somewhat inarticulate, but not pretentious - which was a nice change. We shared a few drinks and discussed Pythagoras and Fermat's Last Theorem so it was like the Trickharts had never left.
The alcohol they were serving was a bit rank, which only amplified the pounding noise I woke up to this morning. But overall not a bad night.
- C Smith
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