Thursday, January 14, 2010

Out Of Towners In New York

I thought I would post a video of the New York City trip I mentioned a few months back.

The song is "Do Your Thing" by Basement Jaxx. If you like it buy it on Amazon here.

So here it is.

- C Smith

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Good fences make good neighbors. Unless your neighbors ignore your fence and just knock it down whenever they need something.

This is the second time the Trickhart's have destroyed my fence while working on the monolith. The first time was when they had gunite applied to their basement walls, as described in my August 4, 2009 entry.

This time the Trickhart's needed access through my yard in order to install their lavish, wrought-iron, spiral staircase. They used my lawn furniture as a battering ram to smash through the block wall. I had just just replaced the wall from the last time they destroyed it.

The Trickhart's may think they can run roughshod over their neighbors and flaunt their fancy house in our faces, but like my grandfather use to say, "One man's spiral staircase is another man's pigeon perch."

It's amazing what forty pounds of bird seed thrown over a fence can accomplish.

- C Smith

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Fair warning...

Today I received this email notification from Robert Trickhart:

We passed our final inspection this morning, so we can move back into our humble abode. Just thought I'd give you fair warning.

Pretension Alert: Their "abode" is anything but humble.

Also, "fair warning" should have been given BEFORE they built "Monstrosity Manor", not AFTER its completion.

This morning I was awaken by what I initially thought was the sound of an airplane crashing behind my home. I rushed out to find the smoldering remains of a Google maps satellite. The police and fire department arrived immediately and cordoned off our neighborhood. A hazardous materials team followed and, after several hours, removed the debris.

I discussed the incident with the officer in charge. He said that Google had reported atmospheric disturbances to their satellite several times over the last three months - all coming from our area. The authorities now suspect the Google satellite was pulled from its orbit and drawn over our street by the additional gravitational force created by the monolith.

Immediately after hearing this news I jumped online and found that the satellite view of our neighborhood was just updated today (above). Clearly the satellite snapped, transmitted and updated a photo of the area as it crashed to the earth.

The resulting image shows my tiny home cowering in the shadow of the eye-sore next door. It narrowly escaped being demolished by the Google maps satellite, but it will never be able to escape the monolith.

- C Smith