Unable to locate the main sewage line (and running out of money) the Trickharts have decided to forego indoor plumbing in the monolith and have opted for an outdoor (Pretension Alert) "eco-waste processing system".
As you can clearly see from the photograph above, the Trickharts plan to use this system - a lot!
To further distinguish themselves from the neighbors they have decided to plant flowering bulbs and tubers as they "go". Their $#@% might not smell like roses, but they hope it will smell like daffodils.
They have ignored the fact that their back yard is approximately three feet higher than the foundation of their house. The month of April brings heavy showers but won't be bringing flowers... and what it does bring won't be a "mudslide".
The Trickharts may turn out to be the only family in America that asks you to "wipe your feet" when "exiting" their home.
- C Smith
Yeah, that is just gross.