Monday, August 31, 2009

R.I.P. Hugo...

Sadly, it appears that Hugo, The Inconvenient Llama, is the latest casualty of the Trickhart Monolith.

Many of my readers were introduced to Hugo on the "Trickhart's Blog Of Yesterday's News" back on July 2nd, when he was used as an unfortunate prop by Nob when Nob had nothing else to write about on his blog.

The Trickharts had kept Hugo tied by his scarf to one of the patio support posts of their old house. It was just discovered that they had not untied him when the demolition crew came (over two weeks ago!) to clean up the debris from the destruction of that old house.

Now Hugo is gone.

The Trickharts believe Hugo was inadvertently dumped in a landfill with old wooden pilings, broken slabs of concrete and beer cans, but there is no way to be sure since they say they don't actually know how long he has been missing. It is only known that Hugo would not have gone quietly and judging from the amounts of bloody fur and tattered scarlet yarn blowing about the yard - there was quite a struggle.

Tonight the Trickharts are throwing a neighborhood Bar-B-Que in Hugo's honor and plan to have plenty of leftovers for anyone who would like to take home some lunch meat for sandwiches.

Hugo, whatever your fate, you will be dished... I mean missed.

- C Smith

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