It is said that after a near death experience (NDE) some people maintain an overall sense of nirvana and a new found appreciation for all the wonders of life around them.
In an strange way the monolith has had a similar effect on me. I have found that thinking about the monolith tempers my reaction to events that would have otherwise upset, infuriated or repulsed me.
Last Wednesday while cleaning my shed a rogue bee flew into my nose and stung me. I have never felt such excruciating pain. My nose swelled to the size of a football. As I watched the bee escape my nostril and fly into the sky my tear-blurry eyes glanced up to see the monolith looming in the background. I immediately found the bee sting to be oddly pleasurable by comparison.
Similarly, on Saturday, I was mowing the lush lawn of my front yard when a rock shot out from under the mower and lodged into my shin bone like a bullet. Blood gushed from the hole in a steady, pulsing stream. My legs buckled and I fell to the ground. I could feel myself slipping out of consciousness when I remembered my earlier experience with the bee. I looked up to see the Trickhart’s folly towering over my home. Once again my pain and rage was transferred to the monolith. I was then able to drag myself across the yard and into the house and apply a Band-Aid® to the wound.
What I am now calling “The Monolith Effect” was tested again on Sunday.
I was robbed at gunpoint in the Christown Spectrum Mall. My life flashed before my eyes in sequential order as the thug pushed the barrel of a gun into my ribs and demanded my wallet. Birth... kindergarten... the prom... my trip to New York City - It all raced through my mind. As I reached into my pocket for my wallet my thoughts snagged on the construction of the monolith. Suddenly the robbery didn’t seem all that bad.
“Would you like me to take you to my bank's ATM to withdraw cash from my account?”, I offered.
But the robber had already scurried off into the dark of night.
By the way, I just saw an advertisement with "Midway Martha" which means it is almost time for the Arizona State Fair. The fair starts on October 16th and runs through November 8th. It is the filthiest, most wretched, crime infested annual event put on by this, or any other, state. It is always teeming with screaming cotton-candy covered kids being dragged around by their chromosomally challenged parents. The rides are built from bolt-less erector sets and should require a tetanus booster and helmet to embark. Even the 4-H livestock look like they have one hoof in the glue factory and the other three on a banana peel.
It’s horrible!
But "The Monolith Effect" makes the Arizona State Fair seem strangely enticing this year.
- C Smith
But "The Monolith Effect" makes the Arizona State Fair seem strangely enticing this year.
- C Smith